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Re: My sad times...i need help! (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Friday, 22 December 2006 (19:36:13) UTC | If she says she's madly in love with him, you probably came on a little too strong, too fast. Ease up, hang out with her as a friend, and wait. Focus on other girls. Get her jealous-it usually works. |
Re: My sad times...i need help! (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Wednesday, 28 February 2007 (07:45:41) UTC | heya,
im in highschool too, and yes im a girl so.. i can give you some advice.. when she went to the party her and her boyfriend were probably on abreak or something or they have had problems. then she met you, ur hot and nice probably so she just went for u.. lead you on. then her EX or BOYFRIEND got over thier problem or he asked her back out and she said yeah .. another reason why she put u in her name wuz probabbly to make him jealous ( sorry, but girls do that).. or she could be a huge flirt. and for getting her back umm.. dont talk to her or ahwile and lay off. whens guys act liek theri not intersted it makes girls want them more. if she wants YOU back she will say hey to you on aim .. the other problem now is if u talk to her her boyfriend will probably want to fight you. so is she worth it?.. really only time will tell, lets hope that her and her boyfriend wont last, then you will have another shot with her. and you dididn't do anythign wrong pickering her up. its jsut the exor bf came back into the picture and when that happens that means their not completely over but they wotn last forever , trust me. she doesn't seem too faithfuil. but for now with coping and sh!t just keep ur mind off it, go to skwl look good flirt with the ladies. if i were you i would try to move on. theres no point in waiting for her if she may not be coming back. but she might be so who knows .. u can onyl see in time. just try not to think abotu her and dont think that u have a cyhance with her, jsut let it go for now. if she lieks u enuff she will come back to you. then u will automaticaly start to like her again. but for now, it seems liek shes gone. so dont hold onto something thats not there, but i wish u luck and i hope u gusy get back 2getah okay?
luvv Caity |
Re: My sad times...i need help! (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Thursday, 08 March 2007 (17:00:41) UTC | don't worry 4 get about her sh shud ave tld u b 4 an at a party anythin can happen tlk 2 ya m8s bout it an u'll s0nn 4 get it eva happened and fing some 1 hu reali cares xx |