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SchoolboysAnonymous writes: Ok, there is this guy. Everyone was saying that he liked me but I wanted to find out if it was true. So, at our school dance my friend went up to him and asked him if he still liked me. He said no but I know he still does. Since then I am really confused. He sits next to me in SS and I don't know what to do! I like him and I want him to ask me out! What should I do??? Question

Well, first off you should talk to him. About anything really, it doesn't matter. Whatever you saw on TV last night, about school, music, a friend you have in common... anything. And then maybe you can ask him if he wants to have lunch with you or something... or hang out after school. If you start talking to him and you two get along well, I'm sure he'll ask you out.

When your friend asked him if he liked you, she put him on the spot. You don't want to embarass him. He's probably nervous about talking to a cutie like you.
Posted on Friday, 16 September 2005 (22:25:41) UTC by bfs

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Re: Confused (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, 29 July 2006 (22:55:57) UTC
mabey he is just really shy or embarassed. but if he gets to kno you he might not be afraid to ask you out. like use flirting techniques.. or start up conversations with him.

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