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  Last story
Stealing CentralAnonymous writes: I was wondering where the girl lives who had a break with her boyfriend. I think I know you I think I talk to you about that guy.I like you alot if its you, you should know who i am by now does Chicago,"Trip with School" mean anything to you just say yes or no.Or is his name Cris

P.S. Please post this I have been trying to get a hold of her for a long time and it would help me alot.
Posted on Friday, 16 September 2005 (22:18:50) UTC by bfs

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Re: Last story (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, 09 October 2005 (19:13:57) UTC
There is this boy I liked his name is Mark. The first day he came to school i was like he is so cute. A few weeks later he start waiting for me by my locker, started walking me to class,and(putting his arms around me). Three weeks afterwards I heard he had a girlfriend and I started to Crying or Very sad. So I was like mad and in class he Wink his eyes at me and i Rolling Eyes my eyes. When we got out of class he waits for me by my locker everyday. So how do I get him to be my boyfriend and breakup with his girlfriend. Email me at

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